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Accessing Records

  • Parents/Legal Guardians may have access to “Designated Record Sets” related to their child. These may include:
    • Medication Administration Records
    • Physician’s Orders
    • Consents signed by parent or legal guardian
    • Person Centered Plan
    • Clinical Evaluations
  • There may be times when the clinical staff of the program determine that access to some types of information (such as Clinical Assessments and evaluation tools) may not be in the best interest of the patient.
    • In those cases, access to records and information may be denied.
  • Parents/Guardians should contact the QA Department to request access to records and information.
    • The QA Department will make arrangements with the clinical supervisor of the program to meet with the patient and their parent to review the information requested.
  • For any records containing substance use, HIV, AIDs, or STD information, additional signed consents from the individual patient will be required prior to release.
    • This includes both child and adult records.
  • Please allow 10-14 days for records to be processed for release.