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Financial Obligation

  • Staff will do their best to inform you of any financial obligations or fees associated with your service prior to service delivery.
    • This will include your co-pay for services.
  • All patients must keep a valid credit/debit card and consent for said card on file (except for Medicaid recipients).
  • Patients will be sent patient statements monthly and are expected to pay balances in full within 30 days.
    • If a balance remains unpaid, we will automatically collect past due balance to card on file.
  • We offer payment plans as needed.
  • We offer auto-collection if requested.
  • It is your responsibility to notify us immediately if your insurance or benefits change.
    • Notifications regarding changes in benefits should be made through the patient portal to Billing Group.
    • If your eligibility related to benefits covering services change and you do not notify us, you agree to assume the responsibility to pay for services if the new carrier does not cover the service.
  • Hope Services reserves the right to suspend services during any period that insurance or benefits become inactive or if outstanding patient balance exceed $250.